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It's Been a Year...

Wow. It's been a bit (a bit equaling almost a year). So much has changed this past year... My hair grew long again, I started driving, learned how to make money, and finished my junior year of high school. I went to Portugal, Haiti, upstate NY, Puerto Rico, Florida, and St. Maarten. I played the flute in more than one castle, took the SATs, saw two Broadway shows and a Taylor Swift concert, played in the pit band for my school's showing of Legally Blonde, started going to the gym, went to prom, made new friends, experienced the longest zipline in the world, stopped going to the gym, took over two thousand photos, and made more new friends.

In seven short weeks I will be attending my last first day of high school. Senior year, I know, will be over in a second. So I want to make sure I document the important stuff, and the not-so important stuff. Basically, I'm back, and I'll be blogging 4 to 5 times a week. I want to be able to look back on my senior year and read about all the things I was doing, the people I was friends with, and what I was like.

See you soon!

- Evangeline

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every day is a fresh start.

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