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You Are Worth It All.

There are approximately three days until Christmas, for those who celebrate. It's been considered "the holiday season" for a couple of weeks now, and for those of us who love this time of year, we've been basking in the holiday spirit since before Thanksgiving (aka me). Either way, it's the time of year where gifts are being bought, families are spending time together, and happiness is (supposed to be) spread everyone. Pay attention to those parenthesis, because I'm not sure how much holiday cheer is going around for some people.

The holiday season can be the happiest time for some. You get to spend time with friends and family and show them how much you love them. But it can also be the saddest time for some, one that poorly accentuates the gaps of people who've passed. It can be an overwhelming, stressful, crazy time that brings out the worst in people- but December is most definitely capable of bringing out the best in people.

I've been wanting to write about this for a little bit now, which is why I haven't posted the holiday DIYs, recipes, or gift ideas I promised. I wanted to write something that would really stand out and stick with whoever read it. So, as I take a deep breath (a little scared to write this) and begin, keep an open mind.

**also notice I use the word "you" in some of this. I am using that as a general term, not targeting the reader.

You do not know what's going on in someone's life. You cannot see inside their minds, inside their hearts. You don't know what someones thinking or feeling. You can only assume or interpret or guess, and that will never do anyone justice because everyone has things going on that they keep inside. Whether someone's in a bad mood or they're struggling with a death in their family, people don't always vocalize that and you need to respect that. It is absolutely none of your business to try to ween your way into someone's problems just because you're curious. People are fragile, and sometimes you don't realize that until it's too late. Care for people's feelings like you're caring for your own.

As for whoever is going through something, it gets easier. It will pass, and when you come out on the other side, it will feel amazing. You will be new. Do not let your past mistakes define you. Every day, every minute is a fresh start. I think, knowing from experience, it's incredibly difficult to see the happy through all the sad. But know you are loved. You are bright and beautiful, genuine and kind, smart and worth everything.

You are worth it all.

- Evangeline

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every day is a fresh start.

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