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I'd Better Cut This Short...

Nowadays everyone seems to think or is persuaded to think by ads, models and TV that your personal appearance is what "defines" you, or that it's the key to a good first impression. I agree on the latter if you're going into a job interview or if it's the first day of school, because no one wants to look like a slob on either one of those occasions, but really? How you style your hair, how perfect your smokey eye is, and which designer makes your clothes- are these things really that important? This is a never-ending feeling that people get- I have this feeling- and I don't know when it's going to go away for the majority of society. People also tend to get bent out of shape over major (or minor) changes in their appearances- braces, acne, face surgery, hair cutting... And while it's ok to freak out over these changes, sometimes I think it's better to embrace them than to hide them. Today I'm going to be answering some questions on getting my hair cut. This might be a difficult blog post to write since I don't show my face on here, but I'm willing to give this a try.

I cut my hair this past July- a whole 12 inches, actually- turning my hair style into a bob. Along with the extreme change in length, it looked even shorter because my hair is curly. Three months later, in the beginning of October, I got it cut again (only a couple of inches this time) so it was about the same length it was when I got it cut the first time. I got a ton of questions on my personal social media accounts along with people in person asking me about how I made the decision to cut it, why I cut it, how I felt about it, etc. So, without further ado, here is my experience of getting my hair cut.

To be honest, getting my hair cut was a real spur-of-the-moment decision. I told my mom I wanted to schedule an appointment to get a trim and she said, "Do you want it cut short?", since I had told her that I was thinking about cutting it short for a while. I surprised myself by saying yes without having thought much about it (I had thought about it before, though). I was bored with my hair- it was the same it had always been and I wanted a change. So I think the decision took me a couple of minutes, really. A lot of people asked me if I "prepared" for the cut- it sounds silly to "prepare" for something like this, but in all honesty, cutting your hair can be a big deal. For me, it definitely was. I researched hair styles and cuts on Pinterest to see which ones I liked. I finally found the style and cut I liked the best, which I brought to my hair stylist and showed her how I wanted my hair to look. And honestly, after I got it cut, I was super emotional. My long hair seemed to be a part of me, one that I had all my life. It was weird to have it be gone. I look back at pictures of myself with my long hair and I really miss it. I go through different phases of how I feel about my hair- some days I love it, and others I just wish I had never gotten it cut. But, all the compliments I received about getting my hair cut made me feel a lot better- the majority of the time I'm happy I did what I did. A lot of people complimented me not only on how it looked but how brave I was for doing it.

I encourage you to make a change in your life, whether it be something like I did or a bit more drastic. Like I said, I was bored with my hair and I really needed a change. This change made me a lot more confident, I think, because I learned how to feel good about myself even after my "look" changed completely. Everyone needs a change like this every once in a while- it helps us grow into the people we want to be. I feel like I can do a lot more because I realized that yes, I am brave for doing what I did.

So go out into the world and make a change. I believe in you :)

- Evangeline

* Did ya get my hair pun? From the title? Cut? Like getting a hair cut? Get it? Short? Like cutting it short? HAHAHAHA

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