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You Are Not Alone.

I think everybody struggles with body image, no matter what they look like. Skinny, curvy, tall, short, curly hair, straight hair, acne, braces, glasses, blue eyes, brown eyes.... The list goes on and on. Anything you can think of, someone dislikes that about themselves. And that makes me sad because I know that there are way more things you should love about yourself than you should hate. I can't say that I 100% love my body- I don't. I'm young (which is totally not an excuse- I know plenty of young people who completely love the way they look and I am so envious of that) and I don't really know what that feeling is-true love for your physical appearance. It's also hard to struggle with the way you feel and not always have an explanation for it. But I think it's important for me to pass on what I've learned through the Internet, other people, and myself.

1. Your insecurities do not have to define you, and neither do your mistakes.

2. You are more than what people say about you.

3. You really can do whatever you aspire to do- it might take a lot of strength and motivation, but you can get there.

4. People aren't as focused as you are on the things you don't like about yourself.

5. Some things you may not like about yourself now will turn into things you love about yourself later.

6. You are not alone.

7. Don't make fun of someone's insecurity- especially if you have/had that insecurity.

8. It's ok to not like everything about yourself.

9. Do not believe one person's negative comment about you over someone's positive.

10. Rise above what people say about you. Prove. Them. Wrong.

11. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. This goes for everything.

12. Stop focusing on how other people feel about you. Focus on how you feel about yourself.

13. If you don't like something about yourself, change it.

14. You are not alone.

15. Life goes on- that pimple you're freaked out about or that awful hair cut won't matter in a few years.

16. Be someone that your younger self could have looked up to.

17. If you're sad, do things that you know will make you feel better.

18. Life gets easier.

19. Let people help you- don't put up walls.

20. "You did not wake up today to be mediocre.

21. Don't take the easy path- take the right one (cheesy, but true).

22. You are not alone.

23. Take a bath.

24. Smile.

25. Fake it 'till you make it.

26. Study. Seriously. It will 100% pay off.

27. Listen to music that makes you want to dance.

28. And dance to that music.

29. Drink lots of water.

30. Don't be afraid to be creative.

31. Read. Whatever you can, read.

32. Stop waiting for someone else to make you happy.

33. Paint your nails.

34. You are not alone.

35. "Admire someone else's beauty without questioning your own."

36. Someone looks up to you.

37. Someone can't imagine their life without you.

38. Someone misses you. Right now.

39. Do the things you love for you- not for someone else.

and lastly...

Every day is a fresh start.

I hope these words inspired you the way they inspired me. We all need a little guidance in our lives, no matter how much we tell people, "I've got this." It's ok to ask for help. It's ok to wonder why you might feel the way you do. And if you take anything from this, remember that you are not alone.

- Evangeline

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every day is a fresh start.

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