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Black Friday Expectations vs. Reality

Black Friday is upon us: the time when it is *finally* socially acceptable to shout Christmas carols from your window and decorate your room so it looks like a Christmas wonderland. But Black Friday also signifies the stressful time where crowds of people rush to the mall and fight over the last pair of Victoria's Secret slippers. This day comes with many high expectations which don't always come true. Here are some expectations vs. reality we all have when it comes to Black Friday shopping.

1. The deals will actually be as good as they say they will.

Expectation: You walk into Bath and Body Works and spot a sign: Buy 3, get 3 free! It's probably the best deal you'll see all day. You fill your basket up with as many lotions and body mists that can fit. And guess what? Your total is SO CHEAP! You saved a TON of money. On to the next store! Reality: You walk into Bath and Body Works and spot a sign: Buy 3, get 3 free! It's probably the best deal you'll see all day. You fill your basket up with as many lotions and body mists that can fit. And guess what? Your total is $200. You just spent $200 on lotion. Yes, lotion. Thought that was a good deal, didn't you? The products you had to pay for just so happen to be the most expensive. Go figure.

2. It won't be as crowded as people say it will.

Expectation: You're driving to the mall, crossing your fingers that what your mom told you isn't true: you'll never find a parking spot. Just as you're giving up hope, circling the parking garage, you find one! Hallelujah!

Reality: You're driving to the mall, crossing your fingers that what your mom told you isn't true: you'll never find a parking spot. And unfortunately, she's right. You've driven through the parking garage four times and not one spot is available. So what do you do? You go home.

3. You will leave the mall with presents for everyone but yourself.

Expectation: You walk into the mall with a checklist of gifts for Mom, Dad, brother, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends... Slowly but surely you check off each person as you buy them the BEST presents. You walk out of the mall feeling accomplished and, of course, the best gift-giver.

Reality: You walk into the mall with a checklist of gifts for Mom, Dad, brother, uncles, aunts, grandparents, friends.. You've been shopping for a while when you start to realize you're carrying six bags of purchases yet you haven't checked anything off your list... Everything you bought was for- guess who?- you.

4. You won't feel bummed if you didn't go Black Friday shopping.

Expectation: You know what? You think to yourself. It's fine if I don't go shopping today. I won't waste any money, I'll get to relax... And when you go on Instagram and YouTube the next day, you're happy for everyone who is doing hauls of what they bought but you're totally content that you got to catch up on your favorite Netflix series.

Reality: You know what? You think to yourself. It's fine if I don't go shopping today. I won't waste any money, I'll get to relax... And when you go on Instagram and YouTube the next day, you're definitely envious of all the purchases people made. I missed out, you think. I'll definitely go next year.

5. You won't mind waking up at 3:00 AM to score the best deals.

Expectation: Your friends tell you they'll pick you up at 3:30 to get to the mall by 4:00 AM. You're excited to go on an adventure with your friends that early in the morning to get the best deals, so you don't mind waking up at the crack of dawn. When your alarm goes off, you stretch and get up to get ready for a fun shopping outing.

Reality: Your friends tell you they'll pick you up at 3:30 to get to the mall by 4:00 AM. You're excited to go on an adventure with your friends that early in the morning to get the best deals, so you don't mind waking up at the crack of dawn. When your alarm goes off, you groan and roll out of bed- literally. You are not a happy camper when your friends come to pick you up. And that bed head you've got going on? Not Black Friday shopping material.

6. Nothing will be sold out.

Expectation: So what if you get to the mall a little later than everyone else? You'll still get as good of a chance as everyone else to buy what you want. You get to the mall and you're satisfied when you find that nothing is sold out and you get everything you wanted.

Reality: So what if you get to the mall a little later than everyone else? You'll still get as good of a chance as everyone else to buy what you want. You get to the mall and are completely frustrated when you find that everything you wanted to buy was sold out. How annoying.

If nothing or everything goes wrong for you on Black Friday, don't worry, because Cyber Monday is only two days away. :)

-- Evangeline

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