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Don't Worry, I'll Try Not to Pull My Hair Out...

Oh, hey there! I'm Evangeline and welcome to my blog!

In my opinion, I wasn't very good at maintaining a daily schedule for previous blogs I've had. I'm super organized in most aspects of my life and would probably pull my hair out if I wasn't, but when it comes to blogs, I seem to forget they're there and never remember to post. Don't worry, I'll try not to pull out my hair during our brief introduction. First impressions are everything, right?

Hopefully, with this blog, things will be a little different. I'm excited to have the freedom to write whatever I want, whenever I want. I can't wait to share my thoughts with you on everything from makeup to living life the way you want to. I know I sound like an over-excited teacher on the first day of school when I say this, but I've got so many things to write about and so many things planned... I hope you're as excited as I am.

I hope you'll subscribe and comment and do whatever else you can do on here (I'm new at this so I'm not quite sure how things work just yet, haha) but either way, I hope we can become friends. :)

- Evangeline

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every day is a fresh start.

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